All calibrations are:
NIST Traceable and ASTM-E1417, ASTM-E1444, MIL-STD-45662, ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 Compliant.
The following Calibration Services are offered:
-Water Pressure Gauge -Air Pressure Gauge -Water Temperature Gauge -Hand Held Thermometer -Temperature Controller / Indicator -Oven Indicator -Oven Controller -Oven Thermal Survey -Process Timer -TAM Panel Qualification -TAM Panel Degradation -Refractometer -pH/EC/TDS Meter -Chemical Titration -Water Quality Testing -Water Content (Karl Fischer Method)
-Fluorescent Brightness
-Shot Current Controls
-Shot Timer Controls
-Quick Break
-Yoke Deadweight
-Radiometer/Light Meter
-Field Indicators